Composing your poem

5 steps to writing a spoken word poem…

  1. Select a topic. In this case your topic is Resilience. Express your opinion and include at least 2 of the resiliency character traits.
  2. Think about your topic and write down the initial words you want to use. Pick your poetic/literary devices (at least 3 in this case) that fit with your words.
  3. Start writing your poem/rap. Remember, unless you choose rhyming as one of your devices, you can have a free verse. This is performance poetry, so standard poetry conventions do not apply.
  4. PROOF read you poem. You will have two rounds of peer review to fine tune your poem. Remember your poem needs to be at least 30 seconds.
  5. Practice performing your poem, you should have it memorized. Remember to maintain eye contact, speak loudly and clearly, and enunciate your words. Remember to animate your poem with facial expressions and gestures that match your theme.

Your poem needs to have the following elements:

  • Include 3 or more literary devices
  • Be between 30 seconds and 2 minutes long
  • have some sort of performance (tone, gestures, facial expressions, etc) element
  • Include reference to at least 2 resilience character traits for the point of view
  • Include reference to historical figure, community member, and yourself

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