About the Teacher

Greetings and Salutations!

I am Cheronne Edwards. I am on a mission to integrate technology effectively and efficiently –  not just be ringing bells and blowing whistles. For the past 20 plus years, I have been a CTE business and computer applications teacher. About 10 years ago, as part of an Ed Tech grant I was administering, I became involved with the Gen Y program that matched students with teachers to design and create lessons that incorporated technology. It was great being the facilitator (not the same as sage on the stage for sure!) and getting the opportunity to see my students in action.  I have continued working with my students using project-based learning to focus on the application of 21st Century Skills.

As an educator, I regularly participate in professional development activities, and it seems that “reflection” is the in thing nowadays.  Invariably, we get to do ice-breakers and are asked to describe ourselves as something.  I have settled on what I think is the best description of me, and those who know me well agree  – I am a PLATE SPINNER. Yup, one of those people who run from pillar to post to keep the plates moving and not falling. How that translates to me as an educator is: I wear lots of different hats, teach different classes each hour, and try to keep things running smoothly for my fellow teachers.

While teaching takes up the vast majority of my time, I do have other interests. In my spare time, I love to spend time with my family, experiment with gluten-free and plant-based culinary delights,  and try to keep the green stuff in my “garden” growing and producing.

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